About Us
Neurological conditions affect the brain, spinal cord and nervous system and are now the leading cause of disability and second leading cause of death worldwide, placing significant burden on health, disability and aged care systems.
These conditions include stroke, migraine, epilepsy, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, motor neurone disease, brain tumours, meningitis, functional neurological disorder and acquired brain injury, and over 600 other common, rare and genetic conditions as varied as Huntington’s and muscular dystrophy.
Many brain diseases are preventable, and through education, advocacy and informed policy and service development, the health and economic impacts of neurological conditions on individuals and society can be significantly reduced.
For over 30 years, the Neurological Council of WA has been a health peak and connecting body for the Western Australian neurological community.
We are committed to, and passionate about, improving the health, wellbeing and lives of all people impacted by neurological symptoms or conditions across our diverse member and client base.
Our offices are located in the Perth Metro area (Nedlands), and the South West, Great Southern and Mid West regions of Western Australia.
Uniting neurological groups
As a peak body, the Neurological Council unites neurological groups and helps raise awareness, capacity and collective impact of those organisations through central coordinating activities.
The Neurological Council is the lead tenant of the Centre for Neurological Support, and co-managing tenant of The Niche Lotteries House, located on the QEII Medical Campus in Nedlands. The Niche is home to a range of community neurological organisations and is a key touchpoint for the neurological community.
Delivering integrated community neurological nursing services
We believe that all people living with neurological symptoms or conditions should have access to a specialist neurological nurse.
As a service provider to the WA Department of Health, we deliver an integrated community neurological nursing service called Neurocare, a person-centred and holistic contemporary service model in which equity of access and outcomes are key factors.
Our nurses provide a statewide service offering education, clinical care, coordination and navigation support for clients.
With teams embedded in local communities and a collaborative relationship with our state's neurological and health care service providers, we ensure support delivery throughout Western Australia.

This is a great service for anyone with a neurological condition. The home visits by a Neuro nurse are brilliant and they are very helpful and supportive.
Great service and have helped me through a difficult time and are a big part in getting back to 100% health.